The Power of Talking to Yourself bell 3 years ago bell “External self-talk,” as it’s clinically known, gets a bad rap. But it can be great for pushing through all sorts of obstacles. Content Type: Service, Mental Health and Disorders Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya May Someone in A.A. Write About Others in Her Group? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on upholding rules of discretion in a recovery community. EthicsA Homeless Man Sleeps in the Lobby of My Apartment Building. What Should I Do? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on how to be empathetic while also respecting one’s own boundariThe Newest ‘Godzilla’ Film Is Stranger Than Fiction Effects artists annihilate cities in movies all the time. Tokyo really was destroyed, a reality thHow Do You Make a Movie About the Holocaust? With “The Zone of Interest,” Jonathan Glazer is just the latest director to confront the problem. Daryll Beardall’s 300,000 Miles His high-school track coach told him to run until he got tired — he never got tired. Running Judge John Hodgman on Toddlers at Parties How much should we mitigate our young ones at social gatherings? Comedy and Humor