Can We Drop a Dog Walker for Her Political Opinions? bell 4 years ago bell The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on considering someone’s point of view when paying for their services. Dogs, Vaccination Proof and Immunization Records, Parenting, Ethics (Personal) Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Judge John Hodgman on Galentine’s Day How early is too early to send out save-the-dates for a get together for the gals? Comedy and HumoWhat If People Don’t Need to Care About Climate Change to Fix It? “I think the debates on climate change are far too politicized, and that’s doing a disservice to mThe Newest ‘Godzilla’ Film Is Stranger Than Fiction Effects artists annihilate cities in movies all the time. Tokyo really was destroyed, a reality thJudge John Hodgman on Toddlers at Parties How much should we mitigate our young ones at social gatherings? Comedy and Humor Does Prenatal Testing for Down Syndrome Amount to Eugenics? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on the moral concerns associated with certain medical exams. EthJudge John Hodgman on the Irresistible Vinaigrette How can he eat his wife’s leftover dressing without being disgusting? Comedy and Humor