When the Camera Was a Weapon of Imperialism. (And When It Still Is.) bell 6 years ago bell In his final On Photography column, Teju Cole argues that images of human suffering often implicitly serves the powers that be. Photography, Refugees and Displaced Persons Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya The Failed Promise of Police Body Cameras U.S. taxpayers spent millions to fund what was supposed to be a revolution in accountability. WhatWhat If People Don’t Need to Care About Climate Change to Fix It? “I think the debates on climate change are far too politicized, and that’s doing a disservice to mDoes Prenatal Testing for Down Syndrome Amount to Eugenics? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on the moral concerns associated with certain medical exams. EthMy Best Friend Is Bad With Money. Should I Tell His Traveling Companions? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on whether it’s appropriate to make a financial disclosure on soOur Friend Is Getting Married — But Her Father Says She Has Been Brainwashed. The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on how to navigate another family’s disagreements. Ethics (PersoJudge John Hodgman on the Irresistible Vinaigrette How can he eat his wife’s leftover dressing without being disgusting? Comedy and Humor