Nancy Pelosi’s Clap bell 6 years ago bell The most powerful woman in American politics appeared to be laser-beaming the most powerful man, one who really does seem bedeviled by her grasp of the game of being political. Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Eddie Izzard Doesn’t Trust This Whole Falling in Love Business “I don’t have a relationship, and I’m very happy and have got all this work to do,” says the comedMy Best Friend Is Bad With Money. Should I Tell His Traveling Companions? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on whether it’s appropriate to make a financial disclosure on soWilliam Friedkin Made Car Chases Into Art The director was equal parts exacting and reckless. Deaths (Obituaries), Movies Judge John Hodgman on Galentine’s Day How early is too early to send out save-the-dates for a get together for the gals? Comedy and HumoThe Cult of Mother God Was Made for the Instagram Era A form of worship constantly on display. Documentary Films and Programs, Social Media, Religious CWas This Man’s Weakness Related to Recent Oral Surgery? His doctor had darker suspicions. Surgery and Surgeons, Diarrhea, Appendix (Body Part)