Regina King Believes Hollywood Can Reach Parity bell 6 years ago bell The actor, director and producer on her recent Golden Globe win, her commitment to hiring women and why Oprah is an industry role model. Blacks, Women and Girls Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya May Someone in A.A. Write About Others in Her Group? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on upholding rules of discretion in a recovery community. EthicsCan I Level With My Kids About Santa Claus? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on whether to tell young children the truth about Christmas mythAdd a Little Zing to Your Classic Christmas Ham This recipe, just like the holiday itself, draws elements from a number of sources. Recipes, CookiI Just Learned My Son Is a Webcam Model. Should I Be Troubled? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on a sensational side gig — and the shame associated with sex woThe False Note in Bradley Cooper’s ‘Maestro’ The film celebrates Leonard Bernstein’s musical duality, but fails to seriously engage with his biHow Group Chats Rule the World They quietly became the de facto spaces to share dumb jokes, grief or even plans for an insurrecti