Signs That U.S. Forces Are in Syria for a While: New Outposts and Pink Lawn Chairs bell 7 years ago bell While Washington figures out its stance on Syria, American forces on the ground are building up their front-line positions. United States Defense and Military Forces Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya William Friedkin Made Car Chases Into Art The director was equal parts exacting and reckless. Deaths (Obituaries), Movies Was This Man’s Weakness Related to Recent Oral Surgery? His doctor had darker suspicions. Surgery and Surgeons, Diarrhea, Appendix (Body Part) In Jordan, a Sprawling Palestinian Diaspora Looks Towards Gaza We asked generations of refugees: What does it mean to be a Palestinian in an era of war and displThe False Note in Bradley Cooper’s ‘Maestro’ The film celebrates Leonard Bernstein’s musical duality, but fails to seriously engage with his biAncestry Tests Produced Shocking Results. Should I Tell My Family? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on the burden that comes with obtaining genealogical informationJudge John Hodgman on the Irresistible Vinaigrette How can he eat his wife’s leftover dressing without being disgusting? Comedy and Humor