Should the New Girlfriend of an Awful Ex-Husband Be Warned? bell 7 years ago bell The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on whether to pass on information about a deceptive ex-spouse, a possible insurance fraud and more. Dating and Relationships, Insurance, Health Insurance and Managed Care, Workplace Environment Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Yes, Kwanzaa Is Made Up. That’s Why It’s Great There’s something uniquely American in both its wanton borrowing from existing tradition and its nJudge John Hodgman on the Irresistible Vinaigrette How can he eat his wife’s leftover dressing without being disgusting? Comedy and Humor Daryll Beardall’s 300,000 Miles His high-school track coach told him to run until he got tired — he never got tired. Running Eddie Izzard Doesn’t Trust This Whole Falling in Love Business “I don’t have a relationship, and I’m very happy and have got all this work to do,” says the comedHow Group Chats Rule the World They quietly became the de facto spaces to share dumb jokes, grief or even plans for an insurrectiIn Jordan, a Sprawling Palestinian Diaspora Looks Towards Gaza We asked generations of refugees: What does it mean to be a Palestinian in an era of war and displ