Cambridge Analytica and the Coming Data Bust bell 7 years ago bell The scandal revealed just how much we’d come to trust Facebook — and clarified what the company is really capable of. Data-Mining and Database Marketing, Computers and the Internet Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Artikel Menarik Lainnya Daryll Beardall’s 300,000 Miles His high-school track coach told him to run until he got tired — he never got tired. Running What If People Don’t Need to Care About Climate Change to Fix It? “I think the debates on climate change are far too politicized, and that’s doing a disservice to mThe Newest ‘Godzilla’ Film Is Stranger Than Fiction Effects artists annihilate cities in movies all the time. Tokyo really was destroyed, a reality thHow This Climate Activist Justifies Political Violence “The reason that people contemplate escalation is that there are no risk-free options left,” says The Best Bowl of Beans I’ve Ever Had A pantry staple can be exciting, even thrilling, with a little time, care and cleverness. Cooking Seven Deaths: How One College Weathered an Unthinkable Mental Health Crisis Over six terrible months, professors and administrators at Worcester Polytechnic Institute took on